Friday, January 11, 2008

Matthews Keeps Flogging the "Bradley Effect"

And Digby wrote a great post about it.

Matthews eventually tried to pin Dyson down and admit that Hillary's crying jag brought out a bunch of addled old Golden Girls to vote for her and then pin Buchanan down that they were also racists who couldn't wait to pull the lever against the uppity African American. That's called "fair and balanced" on a show like this.

The takeaway "insight" from this Hardball was that the Democratic race is now a battle between the racist old bitches and the sexist African Americans. Fabulous. (White men like Chris, you'll notice, are the only ones voting purely on the merits in this little scenario.)
I don't suppose Matthews's insistence that it was lying racists who made things go HRC's way in NH has anything to do with him wanting to disown his own possible part in that, huh?


Mary said...

Anddddddddddddddd, "I don't suppose Matthews's insistence that it was lying racists who made things go HRC's way in NH has anything to do with him wanting to disown his own possible part in that, huh?"

Let's never lose sight of whom Tweety's employer is.

Unknown said...

As a new reader, let me just say that while a lucky person from a nation or planet without access to Chris Matthews may think this is a hopelessly narrow topic for an entire blog, I worry that you simply won't be able to keep up with the douchebaggery without severe exhaustion. You have my best wishes.

Dave Splash said...

Love the blog. Keep it up.